Monday, 10 May 2010

Linkage Sunday

The intent of these weekly "Linkage" additions to the blog is to provide a collection of interesting links to stimulate contemplation, debate and just a little bit of fun and promise.

This week:
  • Harvard University psychologists believe that thinking clearly may help you see clearly too!
  • The two core proponents of the debate 'can video games be art?' - yay or nay - and a particularly compelling example for your consideration (I suggest you play through more than once to see all possible endings, try looking for signs)
Some interesting web communities to consider
True Slant: describing itself as an "original content news network", True/Slant collates the digital work of entrepreneurial journalists of all fields to provide a fascinating diaspora of debate and coverage
The Lowy Interpreter: for the politically minded among us, the Australian-based Lowy Institute for International Policy dishes out a succinct account of the latest in international affairs and a few flavours from the edge of the plate you might have missed in its blog collective

Deviant Art: with over 13 million users deviantART is the artists digital collective, allowing artists and enthusiasts to exhibit and peer review works in addition to enjoying the online community through a set of extensive network, chat and journal tools.

Enjoy and remember to get involved by starting an account and adding your own contributions!


  1. I will add you to my blogroll :).

  2. Ah many thanks! This blog is part of a grand experiment including twitter, deviantart and other blog networks to see just how internet followings work and what they mean in real terms. So far, progress on all fronts is very very slow! I shall add you as well!

  3. The interpreter's not bad, although not the movie by the same name. When's next post?
